CFX Conference is a path to action. 

Your front row seat is a path to create the prosperous future we want by caring for the Earth that provides for us. 

We start with the understanding that everything is connected. This knowledge means that achieving prosperity today and for future generations hinges on applying a holistic, systems approach to managing our activities on the land and waters of Earth.

Attending CFX Conferences will give you direct access to successful examples, case studies, and the experts from right across Canada sharing them that you can’t get anywhere else.

At CFX Conferences we bring it all together in a neutral setting.

2019, 2020, 2021 Conference Sponsors

Thank you to Supporting Sponsor MacHydro

"We've worked hard to build a team of diverse, well educated, and experienced professionals. We've executed a wide variety of projects, and are continually recruiting bright, up-and-coming professionals to provide enlightening solutions to water management."

Go To MacHydro Website

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